February Stats Totals: 289.4 km 43 hrs 8722 m
January Stats Totals: 346.7 km 43 hrs 7053 m
Marathon training is hard You know what is hard? Flat marathon training. After 8 years running trails, I finally took the motivation to register myself for a flat city marathon....
ready to rumble – NOT It’s been some time since my last post on my page. Don’t get me wrong, I was hoping I could write sooner about my results...
ready to rumble In exactly 7 days, the scenic trail 119K races will start at 10 pm. I’m kinda nervous by now. I completed my training. The build up worked...
first training cycle completed You may recall me posting about my training plan for this year. My first cycle is done, meaning I’ve got 4 weeks of training behind me....
2022 and races? So 2022 just started and I decided during my honeymoon, that I want to try another time to take part a the Scenic Trail this year. I...
Intro Little late to the party, but week 18 (recovery week) recap is here. Just did some easy runs, a big bike tour, which in fact wasn’t as “easy” as...
Intro Another two weeks done. I didn’t find time last week to do the week 16 recap then, sorry for that. Gonna do it now. The last two weeks were...
Intro Another week. Another recap. This week was rather a low mileage week in the beginning. This due to me knowing I will be doing a 48-50K longrun on Saturday....
Intro This will be my first week recap. I’m also planing on doing a monthly recap and I will do a recap of March, as I started my training build...
Hi and welcome to my running blog! This used to be just a single page containing some races I wanted to participate in, and my ultra distance race results. During...