Toni Tauro

ready to rumble

In exactly 7 days, the scenic trail 119K races will start at 10 pm. I’m kinda nervous by now.

I completed my training. The build up worked more or less. All 5 cycles were completed, and after a few biking days with a dear friend, I’m tapering my way until next week.

Distance / Elevation in Running since Mid January per week:

My totals since start of the year are:

  • Runs done: 117
  • Kilometeres ran: 1664
  • Elevation gain done: 41’407 meters
  • Time running: 117 hours and 18 minutes

Ready or not. The race is next week, I’ll try my best to get it done under 20 hours.

I will post a garmin live tracking link on Friday, 24th June before 10 PM on my twitter.

Stay safe, and keep on runnin’.