Toni Tauro


This will be my first week recap. I’m also planing on doing a monthly recap and I will do a recap of March, as I started my training build up in that month. I had some issues with motivation from December to February, due to the Homeoffice and COVID situation I think. Nevertheless, there is no excuse for it, I just let me down too fast and struggled to keep up my high mileage weeks. This is when I decided to bootstrap my training build up in March and also went with it.

I will try to post the recap this week, but no promises, as I got lots of work stuff to do

stats of the week

I’m also building up a stats page on this site, but that is not ready yet. This is why I’ll just post screenshots from Strava/Garmin for now.

I take into account a few stats for knowing how well my training is progressing.


Mainly due to setting simple goals. High Mileage means for me more than 80/90 km a week.

This week I did: 80.44 km

Elevation gain

Mainly due to me loving trail running and ultra trail running, I keep going up- and downwards as much as I can. High weeks have betwenn 2000 and 3000 meters of elevation gain.

This week: 2550 meters

Time on feet

How much time was I running this week? Low week start from 4 hours. High weeks can reach 11 to 12 hours.

This week: 9h14m

Fitness / Fresness (Strava)

I know I should be wearing my heart rate chest belt, but I’m too lazy. I just use the wrist heart rate sensor from my garmin which is not that precise.

So I keep this stat just as a average sign for me to know if I’m progressing or not.

Fitness right now: 108

Intensive Minutes (Garmin)

This helps a lot. I usually can relate to how my body feels and how many intensive minutes my body already had for the week. This tends to show me if I had a hard week even outside the training.

This week: 1500 min

Resting Heart Rate (RHR)

Helps a lot, as I also see my RHR peaking every time I drink a little bit too much at a party or evening out.

Average: 48 bpm

Sum up

All in all it went pretty well. I felt very good through all runs. I usually do strength or HIIT Work on Monday and Friday but I ended up doing a run + bike ride on Friday, that may have been a little too much. Weather was good, overall feeling enough positive to keep on going. I struggled with motivation in the middle of the week a little bit, due to me being back into my homeoffice, but Friday I was back at the office, and that made me feel a lot better.

This week was right after a Low mileage recovery week, which shows me how well I recovered. Well done!

Score: 8/10